7/1/17: 20th World Maccabiah Games Update
Message from Lou Moyerman, Team USA Manager
As Shabbat winds down Team USA will enjoy a team BBQ. Yesterday was a day of fun and reflection. After touring Tel Aviv, the team, over 900 athletes, enjoyed beach time in Herzilya; watching all the athletes enjoying themselves on the beach was quite a treat. Fun times changed into a wonderful night of service, dinner and "Stand With Us" group discussions on Israeli-American relations. Both Rabbi Dan and Rabbi Sobo ran marvelous services for our delegation at K'far Maccabiah and Shefayim. Our athletes and staff had a chance to discuss their thoughts and feelings on the topic of A/I relations. It was quite a night.
Juniors' Girls Lacrosse Team scrimmage against Israel Ashkelon Team: Photo Credit, Scott Neiss
Some of the Juniors' Swimming Team at Shabbat Services
Juniors Boys & Girls' Squash Team at their first practice
Open Women's Basketball Team enjoying dinner in Abu Ghosh
Competition Results & Highlights
Keep an eye out for the results at the start of competition, 7/4/17.
USA 20th Maccabiah Games Commemorative Journal
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Saturday, July 1, 2017
20th World Maccabiah Games Daily Update
Thursday, June 29, 2017
20th World Maccabiah Games Daily Update
What's Going On![]()
6/29/17: 20th World Maccabiah Games Update: ISRAEL CONNECT
Message from Beth Margolis and Tonja Magerman, Israel Connect Co-Chairs
We arrived in Israel yesterday and really enjoyed being with the athletes that are attending Training Camp. We can't wait to get started on the Israel Connect experience.
Co-Chairing the Israel Connect Program has been an amazing experience for so many reasons.
We were able to make some great connections through the Seed The Dream Foundation. They introduced us to Stand With Us, an agency in Israel, whose main focus is educating young people and creating ambassadors for this great country. Together we created a Shabbat Program that will include a service given by the two Team Rabbis, a Shabbat dinner, and breakout discussion groups that will center on the athletes personal Jewish experiences, concerns, and questions, and the IC theme of US/Israel Relations. The athletes will be introduced to practical verbal tools to explain and support what Israel is all about. We have IDF guest soldiers that will travel regularly with athletes on the daily tours and stay at the IC hotels throughout the Program. The professional guides from our partners, Archeological Seminars will connect each daily tour with the thematic material. We have great partners with the Kfar Maccabiah staff who helped us put together a BBQ party for July 1st, that will celebrate US and Israel Together, and our Closing Luncheon Program that will celebrate the 4th of July and the send off for Team USA.
Juniors Track & Field Team
Open Men's & Women's Gymnastics
Open Basketball Athletes
Juniors Girls' Soccer
Competition Results & Highlights
Keep an eye out for the results at the start of competition, 7/4/17.
USA 20th Maccabiah Games Commemorative Journal
Consider purchasing an ad for your loved ones competing in the Games! Click the logo above for ad specs and registration.
Please click on the image above to share on your Twitter!Share your pictures and videos with us by tagging @MaccabiUSAand by using the hashtag #macc20
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